HEB Providing “Talking” Prescriptions: Collaboration between HEB, ACB Texas, and DRTx

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Disability Rights Texas Handout

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HEB Praised by Advocates for Expanding Offering to Blind Pharmacy Customers

HEB announced that it provides ScripTalk talking prescription labels for prescription medications through nine of its Austin and San Antonio area retail pharmacies. The ScripTalk labels provide a safe, confidential, and convenient way to access information on prescription labels for individuals who cannot read standard print.

American Council of the Blind of Texas (ACBT) praised HEB’s announcement. “HEB’s initiative to offer talking prescription labels will make a vital difference in the lives of individuals who cannot read standard print. As Texans, we are proud to have HEB as part of our community,” said Kenneth Semien Sr., ACBT President.

The ScripTalk labels are free to HEB pharmacy customers who are blind or visually impaired. HEB will arrange for customers to obtain a free ScripTalk reader from Envision America. The reader allows customers to listen to the information on the ScripTalk label.

Today’s announcement is the result of collaboration between HEB, American Council of the Blind of Texas and Disability Rights Texas (DRTx). HEB will continue to work with Disability Rights Texas and American Council of the Blind of Texas on expanding this service.

About HEB

HEB is one of the largest independent grocery retailers in the nation. As part of its commitment to exceptional service, low prices, and friendly shopping, HEB has retail pharmacies in its stores across Texas. General information about HEB is available at heb.com.

About American Council of the Blind of Texas (ACBT)

American Council of the Blind of Texas, the Texas affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, is a statewide membership organization with 10 local chapters and statewide special interest affiliates. ACBT is dedicated to improving the quality of life, equality of opportunity and independence of all Texans who have visual impairments. Their members and affiliated organizations have a long history of commitment to the advancement of policies and programs which will enhance independence for Texans who are blind and visually impaired. For more information visit ACBT online at acbtexas.org.

About Disability Rights Texas

Disability Rights Texas is the federally designated protection and advocacy organization for people with disabilities in Texas. Disability Rights Texas’ mission is to help ensure the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in society. For more information visit DRTx online at DRTx.org.

Disability Rights Texas Contact Information:
Edie Surtees
Communications Director

Last Updated: February 7, 2017
Publication Code: n/a

Statewide Intake: 1-800-252-9108
Sign Language Video Phone: 1-866-362-2851
Purple 2 Video Phone: 512-271-9391
Online Intake available 24/7: intake.DRTx.org

Disclaimer: Disability Rights Texas strives to update its materials on an annual basis, and this handout is based upon the law at the time it was written. The law changes frequently and is subject to various interpretations by different courts. Future changes in the law may make some information in this handout inaccurate.

The handout is not intended to and does not replace an attorney’s advice or assistance based on your particular situation.

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